Yes- that’s it.

If you are planning a typical backpacking trip, you’ll probably be moving from city to city every 3 or 4 days. And during those few days, you’re going to be squeezing in as much sightseeing as possible. This means the only person who will know what you wore yesterday, is the person you are travelling with. Unless of course you’re traveling solo, in which case you are free to repeat outfits until you can’t stand your own smell.

Things you cannot re-wear do not count and that’s what laundromats were created for. They are abundant and easily located via Google maps in most major cities or may even be in the confines of your hostel! The list below had us doing one load (combined) of laundry every week– which was economical and doable.

Clothes for Fall:

  • Comfortable walking shoes or boots
  • Flip flops for showers
  • Underwear (8)
  • Socks (5)
  • Bras (2)
  • Cami/tank top
  • Pajamas
  • Cardigan
  • Dressy top (2)
  • Long sleeved shirt or sweater (3)
  • Waterproof jacket
  • Jeans
  • Leggings
  • Scarf, gloves, hats

Clothes for Summer:

  • Sneakers or comfortable walking sandals
  • Flip flops for showers
  • Underwear (8)
  • Socks (3)
  • Bras (2)
  • Swimsuits (2)
  • Cami/Tank top (3)
  • Pajamas
  • Cardigan or sweater
  • Dressy top or sundress (2)
  • Waterproof jacket
  • Jeans
  • Leggings
  • Shorts (3)

Toiletries/other necessities:

  • Soap
  • Shampoo/conditioner
  • Toothpaste/toothbrush
  • Deodorant
  • Neosporin and Band-aids
  • Tweezers/razors/etc
  • Microfiber towel
  • Medication (prescription and OTC’s: advil/Dramamine/allergy)
  • Tampons/sanitary products
  • Sunscreen
  • Q-tips
  • Eye drops
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Tissue (travel pack)
  • Headphones, puzzles or games for travel/downtime
  • Lock
  • Travel belt (for passport and important documents)
  • Waterproof day-pack
  • Selfie Stick

As a project and sort of self-love challenge, I chose not to bring makeup or jewelry on our trip. But obviously these items and some others that you may consider necessary are omitted from the above— if it won’t take up much room or add much weight, go for anything you want to add that I did not include!

Also, if you are travelling as a pair or small group, I would recommend sharing toiletries wherever possible. This helped Ryan and I with the weight of our bags and kept us moving through security quickly and easily (we only had one, gallon-sized Ziploc bag between the two of us). On a typical evening, we would take turns so that when one person was showering, the other would hang out in the hostel beds with our belongings. It also gave us each some alone time to spend however we pleased.

Final thoughts: once you get over the fact that everything you will use/wear essentially fits inside a standard pillow case, you’ll feel quite liberated. It is nice to be free from the weight of possessions and live with only what you must.